Next Meeting

Effective November 22, 2019, the St. Petersburg Writers Group is inactive. We hope meet again sometime in 2020.
Thank you for your interest.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

True Story! Bill Eleazer Reveals the stuff Stranger than Fiction

Professor emeritus Bill Eleazer (Stetson), spoke about the lessons he learned while writing his first novel, including naming at least 3 of his characters with names beginning with the letter J. In addition to sharing his experiences, he also included tips and websites that helped him and are great resources for writers. (Email me to get a copy - I'm scanning it in and will send out when I'm done. - fwastpete )
Bill was entertaining and talked about a scene in his first novel that was entirely true, but that a reader remarked was too far out to be believable! He had some great ideas for those not willing to accept rejections from the big publishing houses, and I can vouch for many of his tips as I have found them to be accurate in my own work.
I apologize for those who missed it due to the change in scenery - we had to move to the diner due to a lack of planning in securing the room at the library. I'll be more diligent in the coming year! (Anyone interested in helping please contact me!)

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